I am convinced that I will be able to bring to light projects that bring social awareness, to make the world a better place.
Annamaria, a filmmaker born in Poland, faced a difficult situation adapting to a different culture while raising her children alone. “Due to the difficult economic and social situation in Poland in the late” 90s, I decided to emigrate from my country. I have always been very open to changes, novelties, different cultures. I am empathetic and altruistic, sociable and dynamic, eager and willing to learn. Nevertheless, I struggled a lot to integrate to the Italian job market and spent some years doing internships. My situation worsened significantly when I was left alone to raise my three children in 2009. I worked very hard, doing various humble jobs, secretly dreaming of working in the film industry,” says Annamaria.
She says that “the realization came when I lost my job as a secretary at an import-export company during the COVID epidemic. Desperate and tired of so many disappointments, thanks to a psychologist who guided me, I landed at Dress for Success in 2021. I was assisted by a career center professional volunteer who, with her humane and empathetic approach, helped me become more aware and determined. I decided to enroll in the Cinema Academy, and graduated in film production. Today, after contributing to the creation of several short films-one of which received the silver award at the New York Movie Awards-I decide to open my own film production company and hope to create many interesting works. I am convinced that I will be able to bring to light projects that bring social awareness, to make the world a better place.&rdqou;