Dress for Success is the leading global nonprofit employment resource
for unemployed and underemployed women.
We build confidence and determination from the inside out.

Whether it's career coaching and job-skill readiness, upskilling and reskilling, providing networks and community, or styling and professional attire, we ensure women gain the tools they need to succeed in work and in life.
1.3M women served across
140+ affiliates in 24 countries
140+ affiliates in 24 countries
Are single mothers
Identify as People of Color
Live below the poverty line
Increase in immigrant women served in the last year
Words from our previous Ambassadors

"Dress for Success has helped me beyond getting a suit and landing a job. It provided me with a sister circle that helped transform me."
Dress for Success Phoenix
Dress for Success Phoenix

"Dress for Success financial literacy classes have been a game changer in helping me create sustainability
for my family."
for my family."
Dress for Success Midwest
Dress for Success Midwest

"Dress for Success not only helped me with getting back into the work force but also helped me find confidence"
Dress for Success Auckland
Dress for Success Auckland