Kachia Phillips

Dress for Success Northwest Arkansas (Arkansas, US)

Presented by: Talbots

I am honored to be a Women Who Inspire honoree, transforming from a human trafficking survivor to an advocate, empowering survivors to share their stories, find their voices, and inspire hope for a brighter future.

“One of the things that identifies me, but does not define me, is that I am a survivor of human trafficking. For 22 years, I lived a life of exploitation and addiction under the guise of someone who claimed to be my protector, and I am one of few who can honestly say incarceration saved my life.

This experience led me to become an advocate for individuals transitioning out of prison, helping them gain life skills to successfully reintegrate into society, which is what I do in my current position working as a Re-entry Program Specialist at Goodwill. I am also active on the advisory board for the Women’s Justice Health Alliance with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, working on improving healthcare for incarcerated women, as well as sharing my journey on podcasts to connect with other survivors.

As a board member with the nonprofit organization Hub of Hope Northwest Arkansas, I focus on supporting victims and survivors of human trafficking in our community. I hope one day I stand before congress to talk about changing the laws for victims of trafficking, as well as proper rehabilitation for people with convictions due to addictions caused by trauma. I have embraced my past as lessons to live by and want to inspire others by giving them the courage to advocate for themselves, as well as those coming behind them.

I came to Dress for Success Northwest Arkansas in 2016. They treated me with dignity and respect and continued to show me ways to shine I never thought possible. It has been an honor to represent Dress for Success Northwest Arkansas as a Success Ambassador these past two years, empowering other women to not feel shame for their past, but success for what they have overcome. Dress for Success Northwest Arkansas walks beside me as I make my mark in our community, giving me the confidence to share my accomplishments, and a voice of truth to inspire others.”