My hope is that my life inspires women to believe enough to do the work and experience the joy of success and the peace of living on purpose.
Deneane’s story reflects a journey of challenges, defying odds, and triumphs that disrupt the status quo. She believes in helping other women and in supporting them with empathy and compassion. Her life gives light and hope to any woman who seeks to succeed in life. Her motto is “setbacks can be setups, and challenges can lead to changes with positive outcomes. Life is a beautiful journey full of opportunities and obstacles that enable each of us to fulfill our dreams, visions, and life purpose.”
In her own words: “I have always known about this amazing organization, Dress for Success, and I have always promoted it in times past. As I began my new career when relocating to North Carolina, I reached out to get assistance with career guidance. The current state of my beautiful life as a business owner and member of the ATHENA Leadership cohort is happening because of my incredible support system, which includes my amazing team at Dress for Success Triangle. I am grateful for the coaches at Dress for success Triangle who encouraged and inspired me to continue to do the work.”
In her four years with Dress for Success, Deneane has participated in Resume building; training courses; the Going Places Network; Athena Leadership, and mentorship opportunities. She is now a successful business owner and CEO, providing guidance and strategies to C-Suite leaders.